CRAB APPLE (Malus sylvestris)
Family: Rosaceae
Feral Malus
domestica blossom.
(Hailsham, Coldthorne
Copse, May 2010)
The crab apple is quite common and occurs throughout the
British Isles except northernmost Scotland (for distribution maps see OnlineAtlas of the British and Irish Flora;
see also: Schnitzler et al. 2014). It is particularly abundant in southern
England and favours south-facing slopes and well-drained soils where
competition from other trees is less intense. In some such areas the woodland
consists almost entirely of crab apples and hawthorn (Crataegus species). The trees can grow a lot bigger than domestic
apple trees, sometimes reaching ten metres or more, and usually have a round
crown and rough scaly bark. They are sometimes spiny. The yield from wild crab
apple trees can be huge, although, according to Lang (1987: 74) "fruit bearing
varies greatly from year to year, depending on the warmth in May and early
June, and the activities of pollinating bees". They also benefit from a period
of winter cold.
Crab apples.
(Ashdown Forest, August 2008)
Crab apples are best gathered after the first frosts. When storing
the fruits for the winter, care must be taken to ensure that they don’t get
bruised during gathering. So rather than using a stick to beat the fruits from
the trees it is necessary either to pluck them, or to have something under the
tree to cushion their fall prior to giving the branches a good shake.
Eaten raw, crab apples are quite astringent and sour tasting[i]
(Plants For A Future [PFAF] database).
The easiest way to make them edible is to roast or bake them. The resulting
pulp is excellent in autumn puddings especially when combined with blackberries
(Rubus fruticosus), sloes (Prunus spinosa), bullaces (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia) and elderberries (Sambucus nigra). Lang (1987) also notes
that ‘the fermented concentrated juice was commonly called verjuice and
medieval cooks used it as we would use lemon juice’[ii].
The tannin-induced astringency of crab apples makes the pulp a useful treatment
for diarrhoea.
Ripe crab apples.
(Eridge, November 2004)
The vitamin content of crab apples is relatively poor (NutritionValue online database);
for example, they contain only 5 to 50mg of vitamin C per 100g of pulp. On the
other hand they do have other nutritionally valuable compounds such as pectin
(1%), which decreases the amount of cholesterol in the blood, as well as malic
and citric acids, and minerals including potassium, magnesium, phosphorous,
calcium, iron and manganese.
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Fallen crab apples being scooped
into heaps ready for bagging by Ray
(Eridge, November 2004)
Prehistoric and historic usage
The ‘crab’ in the name crab apple is thought to derive from
the old Norse ‘skrab’, meaning small and rough (Lang 1987). In Norse mythology
the goddess Iðunn is associated with
apples and youth (Steinsland 2005). Evidence such as the wild apples that were
found in the Oseberg Viking ship burial[iii]
suggest that they were an important component of the diet during this period
(Holmboe 1927). Apples (Malus
sylvestris/domestica) were common on several Viking age sites in southern
Scandinavia together with other typical garden plants, including herbs and
spices, vegetables and legumes, and fruits and nuts, many of which were likely
imported from elsewhere in Europe (Rohde Sloth et al. 2012).
Malus sylvestris
remains are found on archaeological sites of all periods (for references see
Kroll 1998: 36), but as is the case with many edible wild plants (e.g., see entries
for Beech and Blackthorn), crab apples are commonly preserved in waterlogged
rather than charred form. For example, waterlogged crab apple pips were found
in a refuse layer at the late Mesolithic/Ertebølle
site of Tybrind Vig on the island of Funen (Denmark; Kubiak-Martens 1998) and waterlogged
fruit parts occur frequently at the Swiss and German Neolithic lakeside pile-dwelling settlements (‘Pfahlbauten’; see Colledge and
Conolly 2014: table 4; Jacomet 2006: table 3). However, there are many records
of charred fruit pips as well as charred fruits at several European Neolithic
sites, including Servia (Greece; Housley 1981), Szilhalom (Hungary; Hartyanyi and
Mathé 1979), Poigen (Austria; Hopf 1977), Seeberg
Burgäschisee-Süd (Switzerland; Villaret-von Rochow 1967; see also Villaret-von
Rochow 1969), Eberdingen-Hochdorf (Germany;
Küster 1985), Ödenahlen (Germany; Maier 1995), Ur-Fulerum (Germany; Schiemann
1954), Beek (Netherlands; Bakels 1979), Vorbasse (Denmark; Hvass 1977) and Nørre Sandegaard (Denmark; Helbaek 1952), where whole
fruits and halves, cores and peel have been identified. The crab apple halves
may have been dried over a fire so they could be stored, and in so doing thus reducing
both their acidity and their astringency (Helbaek 1952). At the Sumerian site
of Ur in Iraq, charred apple rings were found amongst the offerings in one of
the tombs: “it appears that [the crab
apples] were cut transversely in half when fresh and threaded on a string and
dried before being deposited in the tomb” (Ellison, et al. 1978: 172 and figure
Crab apple pips and endocarp fragments were found in the gut
of a young boy (c. 7 years old) discovered in 1922 in a raised bog at Kayhausen
in Germany (the boy had been stabbed to death and tied before being placed in
the bog; Behre 2008). The body has been dated to the pre-Roman Iron Age and
because it was deposited in the bog the preservation of skin, hair and internal
organs was excellent. The boy’s last meals included not only the apples, but
also flax, barley, wheat, millet and several other wild plants, including
hundreds of fruits of Polygonum
lapathifolium (common name: pale persicaria).
Mineralised crab apple pips were found in a 10th
century cess pit at Coppergate, York (McCobb et al. 2001). The research
presented by McCobb et al. focuses on the unusual composition of the seed coats
(described as a ‘tannin-cellulose complex’) and the preservation of the seed
embryos in certain conditions (e.g., in faecal deposits) due to replacement by elements
such as iron, manganese, calcium, sodium and phosphate (McCobb et al. 2001:
table 1).
Gordon Hillman tasting crab apples
(near Eridge, November 2004)
Apple domestication
Recent evidence summarised by Juniper and Mabberley suggests
that the domestic form of apple originated in the Tian Shan Mountains, which
lie between Kazakh city of Alma Ata[iv] (‘Almaty’)
and Sinjiang in western China (termed East Turkestan by the Uighur and other
Turkik nations; Juniper and Mabberley 2006). More recent research into the
genetics of apple domestication confirms the influence of eastern populations
of wild species and indicates that Malus
domestica was initially domesticated from Malus sieversii (native to Central Asia) but that there was a
significant secondary genetic contribution from Malus sylvestris in Western Europe (Duan, et al. 2017; Cornille et
al. 2012; Watkins 1995).
Collected crab apples.
(Eridge, November 2004)
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[i] If a crab apple tastes somewhat
sweet it is probably either an escaped domesticate or a hybrid.
[ii] Verjus (from the French
‘jus vert’) is a general term for a juice made from any sour fruits
[iii] [accessed:
[iv] It’s interesting to note
that in several Turkik languages Alma Ata
approximates to ‘ancestral father of the apple’ (Redhouse 1968; Őztopçu et al.
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